What Has Changed Social Media Marketing in 2022?

Are you wondering how to reach more people and grow your business using social media marketing this year? Begin by spotting the trends for social media marketing in 2022. Knowing the trends will help you to comprehend the kind of changes you must make to your social media strategies.

Today, for most of us, it’s almost impossible to live without social media. What started as a platform for staying in touch with dear ones or making new friends has now become a channel for businesses and brands for connecting with patrons and customers. The section below talks about the 2022 social media trends that you should keep in mind when drafting plans for social media marketing.

Using Live Videos Is a Must for Social Media Marketing in 2022

It has been quite some time since every top SMM company has started to use video marketing for promoting brands. The year 2022 will see the popularity of videos, particularly live videos, grow even further.


Recently obtained numbers suggest that around 82% of social media users love to watch live videos on various social media platforms. That’s the reason why the frequency of broadcast of live videos on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter has increased notably.

It has also become common for brands to invite renowned personalities and celebrities on live chats. This provides the common people i.e., the target audience of those brands with the opportunity to bond with their role models or favorite celebs.

Brands also use live videos for making important announcements and wishing their target audience on special occasions. In short, live videos help in enhancing brand engagement easily.

Ephemeral Content Will Rule the World of Social Media Marketing in 2022

In the context of social media, the term “ephemeral content” refers to short, trending content that would remain visible for just 24 hours. Examples include Instagram and Facebook Stories.

Ephemeral content can create a very strong impact in a very short period. However, for that, you must ensure that the content is engaging, fun, and interesting enough to keep your target audience on their toes.


Most small and big brands have started to experiment with the Story feature of Instagram and Facebook. Your social media strategy for this year should also include wise usage of this feature. Ideally, you should use ephemeral content for giving a short preview of your offerings.

Written content, photos, and videos should keep informing everyone about offers, new launches, upcoming events, etc. The role of stories would be slightly different. They should be informal and more personal. Use stories to build interest in your brand. The stories can include quizzes, polls, behind-the-scenes snippets, workplace tours, random banters, and so on.

VR/AR Technology Will Be an Integral Part of Social Media Marketing in 2022

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will become an integral part of social media marketing. Brands around the globe will use these technologies for making the user experience more exciting.

Several top eCommerce companies have already launched AR-powered shopping platforms. These platforms allow prospective users to try the products (examples include accessories, clothing, jewelry, etc.) before buying them. This allows people to make better purchase decisions.

Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat use the same technology for allowing users to try multiple filters for clicking photos and creating videos. Thanks to these technologies you can now update your profile pictures using your brand’s mascots or logos seamlessly.


The biggest tech players, on the other hand, are providing users with VR gear for affordable prices and allowing them to engage in immersive gaming. “Facebook Spaces”, a new feature by Facebook, allows as many as three individuals to interact using VR devices. So, it would not be a bad idea to use this tech for social media marketing in 2022.

You need to know that both AR and VR have room for improvement in this arena. The year 2022 is all set to witness significant improvement in these techs.

Final Words

You must seek professional help to have access to the most comprehensive social media solutions. Top companies offering SMM services will follow the trends and ensure that your strategies for social media marketing in 2022 are effective.

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Have any queries or questions related to our service? Mail them to us today at info@aryozone.com . Our experts will reach back to you within minimal time. Giving your online business the boost that it always required is now one phone call away. Reach us via WhatsApp or Call Us at +15713767847. Remain posted about the latest news in the world of online marketing and never miss another update from Aryozone by connecting through our social media handles.

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