What is E-A-T? How to Improve Your Google E-A-T Rating?

Google is persistently fighting the battle to provide its users with the best quality and most relevant content. And this is the reason why Google released its major algorithm update in August 2018, also known as the “medic update” with a focus on three primary elements – Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. And that’s what is E-A-T!

With E-A-T, the giant search engine ensures their search engine results only show websites that exhibit a high level of expertiseauthority, and trustworthiness. This is how Google prevents poor-quality content from showing up in the SERPs, which can be potentially detrimental – especially when it is related to the searcher’s “happiness, health, or wealth.”

So, if your website is experiencing a dip in its search engine ranking or it is failing to drive quality traffic, then you may consider evaluating your E-A-T score. In this blog, we will learn exactly what is E-A-T and how you can improve your E-A-T rating to boost your Google search engine rankings.

what is google eat seo

E-A-T: An Overview

Wondering what is E-A-T? The search engine describes them as the three vital parameters of evaluating a website and its content to understand whether it meets Google’s standards of quality. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness as mentioned in Google’s Search Quality Rater guidelines. So, here’s how Google determines the E-A-T rating of a website:

  • The expertise and knowledge of the content creator
  • The authoritativeness or credibility of the content, the content creator, and the website
  • The trustworthiness or reliability of the content, the content creator, and the website

The more a website demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, the higher it is likely to rank in SERPs.

Know What Is E-A-T and how to Improve It?

Discussed here are effective ways to help boost your website’s expertise, authority, and trustworthiness:

#1: Create Engaging, Trustworthy, and Useful Content

Through E-A-T, Google ensures it can provide truthful, accurate, and valuable information to its users. This is an important element to keep in mind when understanding what is E-A-T and how it can help improve organic SEO rankings. Therefore, focus on creating high-quality, original, and engaging SEO content that people will love to read and can help establish your expertise in the subject matter. Make sure you write long-form content because they take a more in-depth approach to a topic and hence, are more trustworthy and authoritative. Most importantly, the content should serve the purpose it promises.

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#2: Do Not Hide the Identity of the Content Creator

According to Google Quality Rater guidelines,

Understanding who is responsible for a website is a critical part of assessing E-A-T for most types of websites. High-quality pages should have clear information about the website so that users feel comfortable trusting the site.”

Additionally, Google’s guidelines also mention that a website should also provide “satisfying information about who is responsible for the content of the site.”

This indicates that you should not hide the identity of the content creator or make it hard for Google or readers to understand who is responsible for the content. So, make sure you add biographies and author names to all editorial content you publish. This will help better leverage the concept of what is E-A-T and why you should focus on improving your personal branding to boost E-A-T ratings.

#3: Get Positive Reviews

It would be interesting to know that Google’s Quality Raters use “Reputation Research” to find how real-time users and experts perceive a website. Hence, they would look for recommendations by experts, reviews, credible information, or news articles that say positive things about your website or content. So, make sure you get good reviews. Apart from users, you can also get mentions on high-authority sites, Wikipedia sites, popular news portals, or Better Business Bureau.

If more people are found talking about you, it may help establish your authority. This can help boost your search engine optimization and drive higher rankings.

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Wrapping Up

Let’s get it straight – E-A-T is here to stay. In fact, it is expected to get more important in the coming years. So, it is important to understand what is E-A-T and what practices you can use to establish your website’s expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. 

Need Expert Help for Your Online Business?

AryoZone is an international company specialized in offering dependable and result-oriented SEO services, Online Marketing Solutions, Ecommerce Solutions, and Social Media Marketing solutions. With our in-house experts holding Ph.D. in their concerned areas from renowned universities in the USA, we help our clients take their online business to a whole new level.

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Have any queries or questions related to our service? Mail them to us today at info@aryozone.com . Our experts will reach back to you within minimal time. Giving your online business the boost that it always required is now one phone call away. Reach us via WhatsApp or Call Us at +15713767847. Remain posted about the latest news in the world of online marketing and never miss another update from Aryozone by connecting through our social media handles.

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